Thursday, January 3, 2013


My childhood is ending. Today I heard my ex-link beeped once. We all know what this means, Adulthood. I am scared. I don't know what is coming my way and how I proceed from here. People have university all decked out for them. I used to think I was going to be like them; pursuing big dreams. Then came the bad results in JC: life sucks. Writing all this is driving me insane. I am terrified, being scared is an understatement. My parents don't seem to realise I am venturing into this adulthood and they don't seem very interested in teaching me what life is. Their attempts in the past have include hours of mindless nagging about studying and their friend's kids who... Urgh, I can still hear that chatter in my head. In other news, I have been job hunting since half an hour ago. Having one job is not enough! I use the "no money" excuse cause I do not want to have to explain to people about me not knowing what I really want. That would include a deep conversation and some tea. No patience for that. What I need these days is some peace. My current job is FUN! Much fun, in fact! However I want to do more than that! I want to see people function! Small kids, Teenagers, Adults, Working adults. It is all too interesting and I want to know how doing all these different things feels like. Office job, waitressing and what nots. 


Here comes the teenage-side of me; I am angry and pretty peeved at my friend being so petty and hence, annoying. People are selfish; that I already knew but I have chosen to ignore it while still behind rose-tinted glasses (reminds me of Abigail writing my write-up for an exhibition piece I did). I think it's about time I face reality. Sighhh, it sucks to grow up.

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